“…By allowing for a mixed-frequency setting, this approach bridges the gap between daily stock returns and low-frequency (e.g., monthly, quarterly) explanatory variables. For further applications of GARCH-MIDAS-type models see, for example, Conrad, Loch, and Rittler (2014), Opschoor, van Dijk, and van der Wel (2014), Dominicy and Vander Elst (2015), Lindblad (2017), Amendola, Candila, and Scognamillo (2017), Pan, Wang, Wu, and Yin (2017), Conrad, Custovic, and Ghysels (2018), and Borup and Jakobsen (2019). For a recent survey on multiplicative component models see Amado, Silvennoinen, and Teräsvirta (2019).…”