Understanding the impact of fractures on fluid flow is fundamental for developing geoenergy reservoirs. Pressure Transient Analysis (PTA) could play a key role for fracture characterization purposes if proper links are built between the pressure derivative responses () and the fracture properties; however, the PTA process is particularly challenging in the presence of fractures because they can manifest themselves in many different . Our work aims at providing a tool for effectively handling the diversity in fracture-induced by automatically classifying them and identifying characteristic patterns in the data. To represent this diversity of in naturally fractured reservoirs, we created a synthetic dataset from numerical simulation that comprised 2560 , corresponding to 10 stochastic realizations of 256 combinations of different fracture intensities and average fracture apertures, organized in two orthogonal fracture sets. To group the , we developed an unsupervised maching learning approach that can distinguish beyond the variable temporality of the signals by leveraging the dynamic time warping algorithm in a k-medoids clustering. Our results suggest that the approach is effective at recognizing similar shapes in the first pressure derivatives if the second pressure derivatives are used as the classification variable. The analysis of the Naturally Fracture Reservoirs dataset indicated that 12 clusters were appropriate to describe the full collection of . We suggest that the respective cluster medoids can be regarded as reference curves for various Naturally Fractured Reservoirs and be used as a guide in the interpretation of real well tests. The classification exercise also allowed us to identify the key geological features that influence the , namely 1) the distance from the wellbore to the closest fracture(s), 2) the local/global fracture connectivity, and 3) the local/global fracture intensity.