Ipomoea hederifolia commonly known as Red morning glory or Scarlet creeper has diuretic, anthelminthic, laxative, carminative and anti-inflammatory qualities. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is used as cathartic, diuretic and expectorant. The plant is known to have sternutatory action. This study was aimed to investigate the pharmacognostic and physicochemical parameters of the leaf and stem. Macroscopic, microscopic and physicochemical parameters of the leaf and stem were investigated using standard methods. The macroscopy showed it is a twining vine. Microscopic studies revealed the leaves are dorsiventral in nature. Presence of cluster crystals of calcium oxalate, paracytic stomata, unicellular trichomes, bicollateral vascular bundles were also observed. The physicochemical parameters such as different ash values and extractive values were also investigated. The present study includes macroscopic and microscopic characters of the stsem and leaf of Ipomoea hederifolia and these various parameters observed help to establish the correct identity of Ipomoea hederifolia to check the occurrence of adulteration.