SUMMARY:The photosynthetic plasticity of the invasive green alga Caulerpa racemosa v. cylindracea (hereafter C. racemosa) has been proposed as a relevant mechanism determining its successful performance on Mediterranean benthic assemblages over broad depth gradients. In the present study, the photosynthetic performance of C. racemosa was evaluated through a carbon balance approach at three invaded sites with contrasting depths (11, 18 and 26 m) and light regimes. At each sampling depth, photosynthesis vs irradiance (P vs E) curves were performed on C. racemosa fronds and daily net productivity values were obtained by the numerical integration of P vs E models with continuous recording of irradiance measured on the sea floor. Photosynthetic responses were consistent with those typically exhibited by shade-adapted macroalgal species and other Mediterranean populations of C. racemosa: a significant reduction in maximum photosynthesis (P max ) occurring at an intermediate depth (18 m) and a higher photosynthetic efficiency (α) and lower dark respiration rate (R d ) at the deepest sampling depth. Mean values of daily net C balance obtained from the deeper site were only 15% lower than those obtained from the shallower site, despite the severe reduction in light availability. This daily net carbon gain was ca. 29% higher than would be expected if photosynthetic adjustments did not occur in the deeper algal population. The evidence provided by these data support the hypothesis of photoacclimation in C. racemosa as an effective mechanism to optimize algal productivity across depth gradients in the Mediterranean Sea.Keywords: Caulerpa racemosa, carbon balance, invasive species, photosynthesis, depth, Mediterranean.RESUMEN: Fotosíntesis y balance metabólico diario de carbono del alga invasora Caulerpa raCemosa var. CylindraCea (Clhorophyta: Caulerpaceae) a lo largo de un gradiente de profundidad. -La plasticidad fotosintética del clorófito Caulerpa racemosa v. cylindracea (C. racemosa a partir de ahora) es considerado uno de los principales mecanismos determinantes de su éxito invasor en las comunidades bentónicas del Mediterráneo. En el presente estudio se evalúa la capacidad fotosintética de C. racemosa mediante una aproximación basada en el balance de carbono, en tres localidades invadidas con profundidad (11, 18 y 26 m) y régimen lumínico bien diferenciados. En cada profundidad, se realizaron curvas Fotosíntesis vs Irradiancia (F vs I) con frondes del alga y se estimó la productividad neta diaria mediante la integración numérica de los modelos F vs I con registros en continuo de irradiancia PAR incidente sobre el fondo. Las respuestas fotosintéticas fueron consistentes con las descritas en macroalgas adaptadas a ambientes poco iluminados, así como con las mostradas en otras poblaciones mediterráneas de C. racemosa: reducción significativa de la fotosíntesis máxima (P max ) a profundidades intermedias (18 m), y una mayor eficiencia fotosintética (α) y menor tasa de respiración en la oscuridad (R d ) en la localidad más...