The Tajan River was investigated for one year in seven stations, analyzing the relationships between physical properties, water chemistry and aquatic macroinvertebrates. Biotic and diversity indices were compared with canonical unconstrained (CA) and constrained (CCA) ordination to test different methods able to estimate river ecology status. An upstream-downstream gradient was emphasized, in presence of anthropogenic stressors, coming from trout farms, paper factory, agriculture, urbanization, river regulation; the first CCA axis emphasized a natural gradient, bound to altitude, source distance, water temperature, the second CCA axis a pollution gradient. Biotic and diversity indices detected three polluted stations: S3, downstream the Korcha tributary, S6 downstream a paper factory and S7 situated after the Sari town. S4 showed high macroinvertebrates densities, which were attributed to the presence of a dam. Both multimetric and multivariate methods emphasized the need to separate the influence of natural variables from anthropogenic stressors in the Tajan River. To separate the influence of longitudinal gradient from the influence of pollution, it was suggested to evaluate the anthropogenic impact as deviation from a regression line, considering a multimetric index as dependent variable and source distance as predictor variable. The definition of reference sites was problematic in this poorly investigated area and a progress in taxonomic resolution is in any case recommended to better define the ecological status of these waters.