Background: Lipofibromatous Hamartoma (LFH) is a rare condition that involves diffuse infiltration of peripheral nerves by normal-appearing fibrous and adipose tissues. Material and Methods: A literature search in Google Scholar, Medline, Embase, Current Contents, and Science Citation Index yielded original publications from January 1946 to August 2021 in English using the keywords "lipofibromatous hamartoma," "fibrolipomatous hamartoma," "lipofibroma," "fibrolipoma," "macrodystrophia lipomatosa," "fibrofatty proliferation," "intraneural lipoma," "median nerve," "median neuropathy," and "peripheral nerve diseases." Conclusion: LFH of the median nerve is a rare condition, with 180 reported cases in the English and French literature between January 1946 and November 2012. One third of cases are associated with macrodactyly, with no gender predominance. Patients are often affected at or shortly after birth and present before age 30 years.