“…Cascading effects from loss of long‐lived, poorly dispersing but functionally important species have been observed (e.g., in desert stream pools, Bogan & Lytle, 2011), as well as the replacement of sensitive endemic species with widespread generalists (e.g., alpine rivers, Bruno et al, 2019), a reduced alpha diversity, and either assemblage homogenisation (e.g., alpine rivers, Piano et al, 2020) or marked increases in community turnover (e.g., humid continental streams, Crabot et al, 2021). Trends identified in Mediterranean climate regions include reduced biodiversity of invertebrates (Leigh & Datry, 2017), transitions in assemblage composition toward resilient taxa (Pace et al, 2013), and losses of sensitive species (Carey et al, 2021a; Kroll et al, 2017) including freshwater fish (Beatty et al, 2014; Jarić et al, 2019). It is widely anticipated that drying flow regimes would extirpate species that lack adaptations to intermittency and that such species would be replaced by others that have traits that allow them to survive drying (Kroll et al, 2017; Pyne & Poff, 2017; but see Carey et al, 2021a; Crabot et al, 2021).…”