“… Target | Drugs | Combined drugs | Condition | Trigger | Clinical and laboratory criteria | Results | Ref. |
IL-1 | Anakinra | Methylprednisolone, Ciclosporin, Prednisolone | sJIA | Methylprednisolone | ↑Fever, ↑Splenomegaly, ↑Ferritin, ↓PLT, ↑AST, ↑Fibrinogen, ↑sCD25 | Ferritin/PLT/AST/Fibrinogen normal range | 95 |
| | IVIG, Aspirin, Infliximab, Methylprednisolone, Prednisolone | KD, HLH | Methylprednisolone, Prednisolone | ↑Ferritin, ↑WBC, ↑PLT, ↑AST, ↑ALT, ↑TG | Inflammatory marker recovery | 96 |
| | Methylprednisolone, Ciclosporin, Prednisolone, Dexamethasone | AOSD, HLH | Methylprednisolone | ↑Fever, ↑Hepatomegaly, Cervical lymphadenopathy, ↑Neutrophilic leukocytosis, ↑Ferritin, ↑AST, ↑TG, ↑Hematopoietic cells | Ferritin/Inflammatory marker improvement | 97 |
| | Methylprednisolone, Corticosteroids, Tocilizumab | AOSD, HLH | Anakinra (100 mg/day), Methylprednisolone, Tocilizumab | ↑Fever, ↑Hepatomegaly, ↑Splenomegaly, ↑Ferritin, ↓PLT, ↑AST, ↑ALT, ↓Leucocyte count, lymphopenia, ↑Hematopoietic cells | Ferritin/systemic inflammation and cytolysis improvement | 98 |
| | Methylprednisolone, Infliximab, Prednisolone, MTX, Dexamethasone | sJIA | Infliximab, Prednisolone, MTX | ↑Fever, ↑Splenomegaly, ↑Ferritin, ↓PLT | Ferritin/WBC/PLT normal range | 99 |
| | Prednisone, Adalimumab | axSpA | Adalimumab | ↑Fever, ↑Splenomegaly, Lymphopenia, ↓PLT, ↑AST, ↑ALT, ↑Ferritin | ESR/CRP/ferritin/fibrinogen/inflammatory marker improvement | 100 |
| Canakinumab | Prednisone, Methylprednisolone, Anakinra, Cyclosporine A | sJIA | Prednisone, Methylprednisolone, Anakinra | ↑Fever, ↑Ferritin, ↑PLT, ↑AST, ↑TG, ↑Fibrinogen | Ferritin decrease, AST normal range | 101 |
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