Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), also known as Hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS), is a rare life threatening hematologic disorder manifested by clinical findings of extreme inflammation and unregulated immune activation. HLH can occur as a familial or sporadic disorder, and it can be triggered by a variety of events that disrupts immune hemostasis. Infection is a common trigger both in those with a genetic predisposition and in sporadic cases. Often the greatest barrier to a successful outcome is delay in diagnosis, which is difficult because of the rarity of this syndrome.Here we, present a case of a young male who presented with enteric fever and confirmed as Acute Hemophagocytic syndrome and deterioatated rapidly inspite of quick diagnosis and treatment.
CASE SUMMARY39 year old male, dentist by profession, was admitted on 05/05/2015 with complaints of persistent fever on and off since last one week and severe weakness. He also had macuopapular rashes all over the body with passage of blood in stools on and off since last 3-5 days. He was admitted outside and investigated for the same found to be positive for enteric fever ( blood culture positive for Salmonella Typhi) and started on the treatement with sensitive antibiotics for the same but continue to have fever hence shifted to our centre for further management. After reviewing his reports done outsoide he was having pancytopenia with deranged liver functions. A suspicion of Acute hemophagocytosis was made and was investigated for the same. He had past history of left leg polio but no significat family history, no h/o any consanguinous marriage, no h/o and past surgery and prolonged hospitalization, no h/o and known systemic disease. He was a non smoker and non alcoholic.On admission he was fully conscious, oriented, vital parameters stable, Temp 38 degree C, pallor and icterus present. Systemic examination was within normal limits. He had erythorderma of entire body.He was referred to surgeon for bleeding rectum, proctoscopy was done which was s/o grade II hemorrhoids and was treated conservatively. He was also referred to dermatologist who advised symtpomatic treatement for Erythoderma. He was aslo referred to hematooncologist who advised to start IV steroids along with IV Cefaperazone and Sulbactum and supportive treatement. He was investigated and reports were s/o pancytopenia (all three cell lines affected ), elevated AST/ALT, high bilirubin predominantly conjugated, high ferritin > 2000, high triglyceride > 500, high LDH > 3000, high uric acid >10, with elevated creatinine and protrombin time. HIV, HbsAG, HAV, HEV, EBV, and dengue all virus maekers were negative. Repeat blood culture was negative. Typhoid IgM antibodies was positive. Ultrasonogram of the abdomen was s/o hepatosplenomegaly. Chest X ray was within normal limits.He continue to have fever spike but his vitals remianed stable and he was able to take full diet orally. His Bone marrow aspiration and biospy was done to rule out any hematological malignancy. On day 3 of admission...