We analyze the measurement problem by simulating the dynamics of amplitudes associated with backward and forward propagating stochastic equations in a realistic, objective model. By deriving a theorem based on conditional probabilities at the boundaries, we obtain trajectories equivalent to quantum mechanics. The joint densities of complementary variables give the correct quantum probability distribution. We model a measurement on a single-mode system via parametric amplification, showing how a system prepared in a superposition of eigenstates evolves to produce distinct macroscopic outcomes consistent with Born's rule. The amplified variable corresponds to a backward propagating trajectory. Sampling is carried out according to a future boundary condition determined by the measurement setting. A distinctive feature is the existence of vacuum noise associated with an eigenstate. This noise remains constant at the level of the quantum vacuum throughout the dynamics and is not macroscopically measurable. The precise fluctuations are specified retrocausally, and originate from past and future boundary conditions. Where the separation of eigenstates greatly exceeds the vacuum, we argue consistency with macroscopic realism and causality: the macroscopic outcome of the measurement can be considered determined prior to the measurement. This leads to hybrid macro-causal and micro-retrocausal relations. The states inferred for coupled trajectories conditioned on a measured outcome are not quantum states. They are defined more precisely than allowed by the uncertainty principle, although they approach eigenstates with amplification in the limit of a macroscopic superposition. A full collapse into an eigenstate is simulated by coupling to a second mode, and occurs with loss of information. The model permits Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations and Bell non-locality.