Macroscopic supramolecular assembly (MSA) is ar ising concept in supramolecular science,i nw hichb uilding blocks with sizes exceeding 10 mms elf-assemble into larger structures.MSA faces the challenge of developing appropriate self-propulsion strategies to improve the motility of the macroscopic building blocks.A lthough the Marangoni effect is an ideal driving force with random motion paths,e xcessive aggregation of the surfactant and fast decayo fm otion remain challenging problems.Hence,amolecular interference strategy to drive the self-assembly over longer times by finely controlling the interfacial adsorption of surfactants using dynamic equilibria is proposed. Surfactant depletion through molecular recognition in the solution to oppose fast interfacial aggregation efficiently facilitates macroscopic motion and assembly.T he resulting motility lifetime is extended remarkably from 120 sto2200 s; with the improved kinetic energy,the assembly probability increases from 20 %t o100 %.Macroscopic supramolecular assembly (MSA), in which non-covalently interactive motifs facilitate the assembly of building blocks of sizes exceeding 10 mm, [1][2][3] presents atopical challenge in supramolecular chemistry and colloid science. MSA is meaningful for the scalable manufacture of structured materials through self-assembly, [4][5][6] the fabrication of tissue scaffolds, [7,8] and the study and interpretation of adhesion phenomena. [9][10][11] Unlike molecular assembly,i nw hich recognition and binding is reversible and can often obtain kinetic energy from the thermal motion of the components,t he realization of MSA faces two major challenges:1 )The large surfaces through which supramolecular motifs interact are usually very rough on the molecular scale,w hich is unfavorable for realizing efficient interfacial supramolecular interactions;and (2) adriving force is required to achieve collision between and assembly of the macroscopic building blocks,as they are too large to be propelled. Until now,t he first issue has been addressed by introducing af lexible spacing coating to mediate the surface roughness, [12][13][14] while the second challenge is overcome with external agitation, such as rotation or shaking of the medium in which the macroscopic building blocks assemble,o rm agnetically assisted motion to cause directed diffusion and collision of the building blocks. [1][2][3][4] As ar esult, the quality of the desired precise alignment of building blocks is poor compared with that of the alignment achieved by molecular self-assemblies because the macroscopic assembly geometries are largely determined by complex dynamics during the agitation or shaking process, [6] leading to facially offset, nonequilibrium assemblies,w hich are undesired. [15] Therefore,t oimprove the motility of the macroscopic building blocks and reduce the uncontrolled dynamics of external agitation techniques,a ppropriate selfpropulsion strategies for achieving MSA are urgently required.Thef ield of active self-propulsion has yielded various strategie...