Background:Todeterminethefrequency,course,complicationsandoutcomeofmacrosomiainnewborns.Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional epidemiological study was conducted. The research was conducted at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the University Clinical Hospital Mostar (UCH Mostar), as well as at the ClinicalDepartmentforIntensiveCareandNeonatologyUCHMostarintheperiodfromJanuary1,2022to31December 2022. Data from the protocol, medical history and discharge letters of pregnant women who gave birth at the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics, as well as data from the above for newborns transferred to the Clinical Department for Intensive Care and Neonatology was used. The parameters considered in newborns are: anthropometric measurements (birth weight, birth length, head circumference), sex, month of birth, gestational age, Apgar index, and for newborns transferredtopaediatrics:pathologicalconditions(asphyxia,jaundice,sepsis,perinatalinfection),respiratorydistress syndrome,) and the method and length of treatment.Results:Theoccurrenceofmacrosomicnewbornsinthisstudyis10.4%ofthetotalnumberofbirthsinayear. A significant increase in the frequency of giving birth to macrosomic newborns from the second or more pregnancies was observed, and the number of birth complications was lower. Statistically, significantly more medication use and pregnancy pathology were found in the group of macrosomic newborns with pathology. Thus, in the group of newborns with pathology, it is more significant that they had jaundice and perinatal infection among the pathological conditions.Conclusion:Thefrequencyofmacrosmiainnewbornswasdetermined,andtwomostcommonpathologicalconditions were jaundice and perinatal infection with a favorable perinatal background.Keywords:fetalmacrosomias,birthoutcome,perinataloutcome