“…In addition to histologie, microbiologie, and immunocytochemical evidence of infection, sérologie tests, such as complement fixa¬ tion with mycelial or yeast antibody titers or precipitin bands, may be helpful. 13 Intravenous amphotericin B therapy is the treatment of choice at a total dose of at least 35 mg/kg (approximately 2.1 to 2.5 g in a 70-kg individual).3 This dosage is especially important for cure of disseminated histoplasmosis in patients with under¬ lying disease, including those who are immunosuppressive in nature. The experience of Goodwin et al14 in treating 84 individuals with disseminated histo¬ plasmosis with amphotericin B allowed that adults require a total dose of at least 1 g, with 1 to 2 g providing unpredictable but generally favorable results; total dosages of 2 g generally should be curative except for patients with Histoplasma endo¬ carditis, who require an average total dose of 4 g.…”