“…In 2017 Buddhism scholar Michel Clasquin‐Johnson publishes “Towards a Metamodern Academic Study of Religion and a More Religiously Informed Metamodernism,” the first peer‐reviewed essay that considers what kinds of theoretical work “metamodernism” can do for the field of religious studies. In her 2019 essay, “Made Up Prophecies: Metamodern Play with Religion, Spirituality and Monomyth in the LEGO Universe,” Sissel Undheim uses metamodernism to understand the contemporary secular spirituality evident in LEGO popular culture. The present author's dissertation, along with essays published from 2018 to 2019, locate as metamodern the dominant narratives evinced in contemporary spiritual movements (such as the “spiritual but not religious”) and compare liminal ontologies from mysticism and metamodernism toward theorizing a “metamodern soteriology.” 3 Jason Josephson Storm's 2021 monograph, Metamodernism: The Future of Theory , employs the term “metamodernism” to name his collection of philosophical‐conceptual tools that he hopes will improve scholarly practices in the human sciences.…”