Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) from prosthetic vascular grafts constitutively secrete higher levels of collagen than aortic SMCs. Lipid oxidation products accumulate in grafts, and we postulated that they stimulate SMC production of collagen. The effect of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) on type I collagen secretion by aortic and graft SMCs was compared. SMCs isolated from the canine thoracic aorta or Dacron thoracoabdominal grafts (n = 10) were incubated with native LDL or oxLDL (0-400 microg cholesterol/ml) for 72 h. Type I collagen in the conditioned medium was measured by ELISA. OxLDL increased collagen production by graft SMCs from 4.1 +/- 0.3 to 11.0 +/- 0.4 ng/microg DNA and by aortic SMCs from 2.3 +/- 0.1 to 3.5 +/- 0.2 ng/microg DNA. Native LDL had little effect. LY-83583, a superoxide generator, stimulated a dramatic increase in collagen secretion by graft SMCs and a smaller but significant elevation by aortic SMCs. OxLDL has been shown to increase PDGF production by graft SMCs, and PDGF can stimulate collagen production. Anti-PDGF antibody inhibited the increase in collagen production by graft SMCs that was stimulated by oxLDL, implicating PDGF as one mechanism of oxLDL-induced collagen production. Lipid oxidation products that accumulate in prosthetic vascular grafts can cause an oxidative stress that stimulates PDGF production by graft SMCs that in turn stimulates collagen production, contributing to the progression of intimal hyperplasia.