Magnesium (Mg) is an essential macronutrient element for all living organisms, but literature reports of Mg deficiency in agriculture and forestry appear regularly. In many tropical areas, Mg is added to soils by using dolomitic limestone and as minor additions through impurities in some fertilizers. Minimal information is available on the Mg status of Fiji soils, and deficiencies have been observed in some crops. This study investigated the Mg status of a range of Fiji soils and found that major agricultural soils of Fiji contain variable amounts of Mg, both in the total concentrations and in the different forms of the element present. The variations can be related to the soil parent materials, degree of weathering, clay content, and mineralogy. Low plant-available Mg concentrations are present in many of the highly weathered soils with limited reserves present. Development of intensive agriculture should consider Mg when developing fertilizer programs.