Experimental spheromak magnetic equilibria are measured which differ significantly from the minimum-energy state, and are well described by a numerical model where jw/Bhas a linear dependence on the poloidal flux function. Equilibria are determined in a nonperturbing manner by the combination of measurements of flux-conserver image currents with calculations from this model. These equilibria are corroborated by the observation of nondisruptive rotating internal kink distortions (with toroidal mode numbers n = 1, 2, and 3), coupled with theoretical MHD thresholds for the onset of these modes. PACS numbers: 52.55.Hc, 52.35.Py, 52.70.Ds In a spheromak, the magnetic fields are generated primarily by internal currents rather than by external coils. Once established, these fields are conjectured 1 to relax towards a state of minimum energy subject to the constraint that the magnetic helicity 2 is conserved. In a closed system the minimum-energy equilibrium satisfies VxB = XB with X^/xoJ 11/5 = const. Since competing effects are certainly present in any experiment, small deviations from a uniform, constant X can be expected. However, these departures from the minimum-energy or "Taylor" state are expected 1 to relax towards this lowest-energy configuration on a time scale shorter than the resistive diffusion time.We report results from the compact toroid experiment 3 ' 4 (CTX) which give spheromak equilibria (determined in a nonperturbing manner) not with X = const, but with X = X(iJ/), where t// is the normalized poloidal flux function [t|/ = (poloidal flux value)/ (total poloidal flux)]. The departures in magnetic energy of these equilibria with respect to the minimumenergy state is small. Coherent oscillations are seen, generated by rotating kink modes within the equilibria. The onset of the modes is shown to be consistent with the slope of X(i|/) from the equilibrium measurement.Other spheromak experiments 5,6 have measured the magnetic fields with internal probes, and have found experimental agreement with a zero-pressure, constants model. Hart et al? obtained for their data better agreement by including a finite-plasma-pressure correction to a constant-X model,In CTX, the X(i/i) profile is inferred from external measurements of induced image currents flowing in a mesh flux conserver 8 (MFC) surrounding the plasma, combined with results from numerical calculations of the equilibrium. This general technique is in principle similar to that used before to establish the MHD equilibrium in noncircular-cross-section tokamaks [see, e.g., Luxon and Brown, 9 and references therein]. Application of the technique to the CTX spheromak benefits from increased sensitivity to equilibrium changes since the spheromak is a small-aspect-ratio system; changes in the equilibrium affect the position of the magnetic axis and have a large effect on toroidal MFC image currents near the symmetry axis. Arrays of small Rogowski loops (5% relative calibration) measure the MFC currents, with the ratios of the currents (filtered to remove osci...