N ear-field microscopy is a powerful tool that allows the study of the complex electromagnetic fields that surround nanophotonic structures. As our control over the feature size of these structures becomes ever finer, the ability to image their near fields becomes ever more crucial. This is because, at the nanoscale, light-matter interactions are intimately linked to an object's geometry and not just to the optical properties of its constituent materials. Consequently, near-field mappings are often the only route to understanding the underlying physical processes of exciting phenomena such as extraordinary optical transmission 1,2 , light propagation through photonic crystal waveguides 3,4 , and the optical response of nanoantennas 5,6 . Likewise, when accurate knowledge of the details of nanoscopic light fields is crucial to the performance of a device, near-field imaging becomes essential. Examples of such situations include the creation of hotspots for nonlinear nanophotonics 7 or sensing applications 8 , the way in which nanophotonic structures direct light flow 9 , or the generation of structured fields for nanomanipulation 10,11 . In all, there are a host of fields that stand to gain from the information available from near-field microscopy.In this Review we discuss recent progress towards a complete mapping of light fields at the nanoscale, suggesting new scientific avenues that are opened by these advances. We begin by briefly reviewing the basics of subwavelength field mapping. We then outline recent progress in the mapping of electric near-field vector components, and progress to mapping that goes beyond the vector nature, such as time-or frequency-resolved measurements. We then address recent progress towards the mapping of magnetic near fields, and in particular towards the ability to simultaneously map the entire electromagnetic near field. Throughout the entire Review, we highlight exciting nanophotonic systems whose near fields can be accessed because of progress in this field. Lastly, we end with a brief outlook on the remaining challenges in the pursuit of a complete nanoscale near-field mapping.
Basics of subwavelength field mappingNear fields (Box 1) are intrinsically hard to image directly, as they cannot be viewed by, for example, a CCD array or photodiode. This is because near fields are evanescent in nature and hence, for visible or near-infrared light, these fields are typically found within 10s or 100s of nanometres of a surface. Consequently, an intermediate step is required, whereby some of the near field is converted to far field. This conversion may be achieved in several ways. For example, information about the nanoscopic fields may be accessed by incorporating emitters such as dye molecules into a nanophotonic structure and studying the resultant fluorescence 12 , or by using photoresist which polymerizes at high intensities and henceThe control of light fields on subwavelength scales in nanophotonic structures has become ubiquitous, driven by both curiosity and a multitude of appli...