We obtain the complete phase diagram of the antiferromagnetic J1-J2 model, 0 ≤ α = J2/J1 ≤ 1, within the framework of the O(N ) nonlinear sigma model. We find two magnetically ordered phases, one with Néel order, for α ≤ 0.4, and another with collinear order, for α ≥ 0.6, separated by a nonmagnetic region, for 0.4 ≤ α ≤ 0.6, where a gapped spin liquid is found. The transition at α = 0.4 is of the second order while the one at α = 0.6 is of the first order and the spin gaps cross at α = 0.5. Our results are exact at N → ∞ and agree with numerical results from different methods. 74.72.Dn, 63.20.Ry, 63.20.dk Quantum phase transitions (QPTs) occur when the ground state properties of a certain physical system undergo dramatic changes as one, or more, internal or external, parameters are varied [1]. Examples include, but are not restricted to, magnetic phase transitions between two distinct magnetic ground states or between a magnetic state and a nonmagnetic one, driven for example by an applied field, pressure, or the coupling to oder degrees of freedom. QPTs are usually labelled according to the behaviour of some order parameter (OP) close to the quantum critical point (QCP) [2], and are said to be of the second order (2nd order) when the OP vanishes continuously as the QCP is approached, or of the first order (1st order) when the OP has a finite value near the QCP and jumps discontinuously to zero above it. Furthermore, knowledge of the range of the interactions, symmetries of the Hamiltonian and dimension of the OP, allow us to classify QPTs into universality classes [2], and help us to wirte down a Landau-Ginzburg free energy (LGFE) to describe such phase transitions (PTs). Typically, LGFEs up to the 4th power of the OP are enough to describe a 2nd order PT, while LGFEs up to the 6th power of the OP are necessary to describe a 1st order PT.The O(N ) quantum nonlinear sigma model (NLSM) has long been acknowledged to be a very convenient framework to describe 2nd order magnetic PTs in spin systems, such as, for example, the antiferromagnetic (AF) Heisenberg Hamiltonian, in two dimensions, with nearest-neighbour interactions on a square lattice [3]. Here the QPT occurs between a Néel ordered magnetic ground state, where the OP is the sublattice magnetization, σ = 0, and a nonmagnetic state (σ = 0) with a finite spin gap, ∆ = 0, as the OP at zero temperature. Such transition is driven by quantum fluctuations set by some coupling constant, g, and is of the 2nd order, as both σ and ∆ vanish continuously at the QCP, g c . Despite being nonlinear, at the mean field level (N → ∞) the model is quadratic, exactly solvable, and produces the usual mean field values for the critical exponents of the Heisenberg universality class, σ ∝ (g c − g) β , for the ordered regime (g < g c ), with β = 1/2, and ∆ ∝ (g − g c ) ν , for the nonmagnetic phase (g > g c ), with ν = 1 [4].First order PTs in spin systems occur whenever two magnetic phases cannot be continuously connected to one another by some order parameter. This is what ha...