However, use of Equation (1) carries several stringent requirements. These include: knowledge of the activation energy, frequency factor, and compositional dependence of daughter product diffusion in the mineral of interest, a priori knowledge of the effective diffusion dimension, and assurance that volume diffusion was the rate limiting natural transport mechanism. Although adequate diffusion data are available for most commonly used minerals, it is only in rare cases that all these requirements are met. This represents a signifi cant limitation of thermochronometry. An example: the bulk closure temperature of biotite Consider the example of Ar closure in "biotite," which is typically taken to be 300 ± 50 °C (Purdy and Jäger 1976; Mattinson 1978; Harrison et al. 1979; Hodges 1991). This represents a nearly ideal case as the biotite-phlogopite solid solution is experimentally well-characterized in terms of Ar diffusion (Giletti 1974; Giletti and Tullis 1977; Harrison et al. 1985; Grove and Harrison 1996). Nevertheless, rigorous determination of a closure temperature requires that we know: 1) the effective diffusion length scale, 2) important compositional parameters such as Fe/Mg, Al(VI) occupancy, and halogen content, and 3) the approximate cooling rate and pressure during Ar closure (see Harrison and Zeitler 2005). For example, a biotite with an Fe/Mg of 0.6, an Al(VI) occupancy of 1.0, a total halogen content of 0.2%, and r = 150 µm, is characterized by a T c of 350 °C (assuming P = 200 MPa and dT/dt = 100 °C/Ma). However, increasing the total halogen content to 0.8% and decreasing Fe/Mg to 0.4 increases T c to about 450 °C (Grove 1993). Together with published estimates of r that vary by a factor of 6, extreme variations in compositional parameters yield a range in "biotite" T c of over 300 °C.