The disordered antiferromagnet PbFe 1/2 Nb 1/2 O3 (PFN ) is investigated in a wide temperature range by combining Mössbauer spectroscopy and neutron diffraction experiments. It is demonstrated that the magnetic ground state is a microscopic coexistence of antiferromagnetic and a spin-glass orders. This speromagnet-like phase features frozen-in short-range fluctuations of the Fe 3+ magnetic moments that are transverse to the long-range ordered antiferromagnetic spin component.Phase transitions in the presence of disorder and/or competing interactions are one of the central unresolved problems in modern condensed matter physics 1-4 . With both effects present, one may encounter a freezing of microscopic degrees of freedom without conventional longrange order. In magnetic systems, the corresponding phenomenon is referred to as a spin-glass (SG) transition 5 . By now, spin glasses are reasonably well understood for models with discrete (Ising) symmetries and long-range interactions 6,7 . In contrast, for continuous (Heisenberg and XY) symmetries with short-range coupling, the properties and sometimes the very existence of the SG phase remain a matter of debate [8][9][10][11][12] . An important outstanding question is whether the SG phase can coexist with true long-range order (LRO) 12,13 ? Theory 14-16 and numerical studies 17-20 have consistently provide an affirmative answer; see Ref.21 for a review. Both ferromagnetic (FM) 15 and AF 16 models demonstrate a SG freezing of spin components transverse to the long range order parameter. The problem gained a particular urgency in the context of cuprate superconductors, where SG and AF phases are adjacent on the concentrationtemperature phase diagram but appear to be mutually exclusive 22,23 .On the experimental side though, the situation is much less clear-cut and hotly debated. Most hurdles on this route are the known measurement issues endemic to spin glasses 1,24,25 . In addition, even if long range order and SG are shown to appear simultaneously, it may be extremely difficult to establish their co-existence on the microscopic scale, as opposed to an inhomogeneous phase separation. A great deal of work was done on amorphous, ferromagnetic Fe X Zr 100−X alloys. While strong support for uniformly coexisting SG and LRO in these systems have been presented 20,[26][27][28] , evidence pointing to a cluster-based scenario also exist 29 . In crystalline materials, simultaneous antiferromagnetic (AF) and SG states have been observed in Fe 0.6 Mn 0.4 TiO 3 30,31 and Co 2 (OH)PO 4 32 . However, even in these Ising systems, the microscopic nature of such coexistence is not unambiguous 31,32 .A solid experimental proof of microscopic SG and LRO coexistence in a crystalline material remains elu- sive. Besides finding an appropriate model compound, one has to strategically choose the experimental techniques. Momentum-resolved (scattering) experiments are well-suited to probe microscopic quantities averaged over the entire sample, but do not provide spatiallyresolved information. I...