The Magnetic Field Effect E. L. FRANKEVICH, M. M. TRIBEL, and I. A. SOROLTRThe mechanism of carrier generation in sublimated rubrene films in the course of their oxidation is investigated. The technique of the simultaneous measurement of photoconductivity and fluorescence of the samples and their variation in magnetic fields up to 3 kOe is employed. The excited states whose deactivation leads to both, fluorescence and carrier generation in unoxidized films are found to be rubrene singlet excited molecules 'MI and in films exposed to air. excited complexes of 'RZ, with 0, molecules and with transannular rubrene peroxide molecules RIO,. The probability of carrier generation in the interaction of 'Nil with 0, is higher than with MO,. The existence is shown of a n efficient channel of generation of triplet rubrene excitons, associated with the deactivation of excited triplet complexes of rubrene with MO,. The influence is investigated of variations in the crystalline structure of films on the behaviour of photoconductivity. Hax py6pesa B npouecce IIX oKmneHm. lIpuMeHeHa nieTonma OAHoBpeMeHHoro ucra~epe~m @OTOII~OBOJU~MOCTB B QmyopecueHuna o6pa3qo~, a TaKme ux ume-I/ICCJIenOBaH MeXaH113M reHepaUHl1 HOCHTenefi TOKa D CY6JlHMApOBaHHbIX nJIeH-HeHAfi B MarHElTHbIX IIOJIFIX HanPFIXeHHOCTbW A 0 3 koe. nOKa3aH0, 9 T O B036ym-HeHHbIMA COCTOFIHBHMM, Ae3aKTHBaUMFI KoToPbIX IIPRBOHRT KaK K @JIyOpeCqeHqAA, TPK EI H reHepaUHI4 HOCATeJIefi TOKB, B HeOKHCJleHHbIX IIJIeHHaX XBJIFIWTCII CAH-rjIeTHbIe B036YWAeHHble MoJIeKyJlbI py6peHa 'hfl, a B IIJIeHKaX, MMeBIlIAX HOHTaKT C B03AYXOM, -BO36ymneHHble KOMnJIeKCbI, 06pa30BaHHbIe '&Il C MOJleHyJlaMH BepOFITHOCTb 06pa30BaHHX HOCHTeJIefi TOKa IIpH B3aAMOnefiCTB&4H 'MI C 0, BbILLIe, 9eM C MO,. nOKa3aHO CyWCCTBOBaHMe B@@eKTUBHOTO HaHaJIa reHepauME3 TpEinJleT-HbIX BKCHTOHOB p y 6 p e~a , CBH3PHHOTO C ne3aHTHBaUElefh TpHnJIeTHbIX B036yXneH-HblX HOMnJIeKCOB py6peaa C MOJleHYJIaMA &PO,. MCCJlenOBaHo TaK)iie BJIMflHHe U3MeHeHMfi KpHCTaJlJIHqeCKOfi CTPYHTYPbI nJIeHOK Ha IIOBeneHEle @OTonpOBOAK-MOCTI?. K A C J I O~O~~ 0,, a TaKme c MoneKynaMM TpaHcaHHynXpHom nepeKMcM p y 6 p e~a MO,.