The angular, temperature and magnetic field dependences of Hall resistance Н for the rare-earth dodecaboride solid solutions Tm 1-x Yb x B 12 have been studied in a wide vicinity of the quantum critical point (QCP) x C~0 .3. The measurements performed in the temperature range 1.9300 K on high quality single crystals allowed to find out for the first time in these fcc compounds both an appearance of the second harmonic contribution in Н at QCP and its' enhancement under the Tm to ytterbium substitution and/or with increase of external magnetic field. When the Yb concentration x increases a negative maximum of a significant amplitude was shown to appear on the temperature dependences of Hall coefficient R H (T) for the Tm 1-x Yb x B 12 compounds. Moreover, a complicated activation type behavior of the Hall coefficient is observed 2 at intermediate temperatures for x0.5 with activation energies E g~2 00K and E a~5 5-75K in combination with the sign inversion of R H (T) at low temperatures in the coherent regime. The density of states renormalization effects are analyzed within the variation of Yb concentration and the features of the charge transport in various regimes (charge gap formation, intra-gap manybody resonance and coherent regime) are discussed in detail in Tm 1-x Yb x B 12 solid solutions. PACS: 75.40.Cx, 72.15.Gd