optical, medical and lab-on-chip systems including mobile, wearable and implantable devices. [ 5 ] Various concepts for energy harvesting on a miniature scale have been developed in the past based, e.g., on piezoelectric, [ 1,6 ] electromagnetic induction, [ 7 ] electrostatic, [ 8 ] and thermoelectric principles. [ 9 ] In the fi rst three cases, kinetic energy is generated by using vibration in the environment. These systems are commonly based on electromechanically coupled spring-damper systems.Thermoelectric principles use temperature gradients in the environment to produce electrical power (Seebeck effect). In contrast to the aforementioned principles, no moving parts are required. While being versatile for various applications, they face a number of diffi culties when it comes to miniaturization. The effi ciency of thermoelectric devices is determined by the fi gure of merit ZT , which is in the order of 1 in best cases. [ 10 ] In order to obtain a reasonable output, relatively large temperature differences Δ T and means of heat sinking beyond natural convection are required. [ 11 ] In small dimensions, however, Δ T is reduced and, thus, energy conversion becomes ineffi cient.For the use of energy resources stored at small Δ T below 20 K, smart materials showing a fi rst order phase transformation without diffusion are highly attractive. Recent developments on MSMAs demonstrate abrupt changes in lattice parameters beyond 10% and corresponding large changes in their magnetic properties (magnetization, magnetic anisotropy) at small Δ T . [12][13][14][15][16][17] Owing to their multifunctional properties, these materials may perform different tasks while keeping the design simple, which is important for downscaling. Due to these reasons, magnetic SMAs are predestined for thermal microenergy harvesting.Recently, a new series of magnetic SMA systems, Ni-Mn-X-Y (X: In, Sn, Sb, Y: Co, Fe) has been found showing a fi rst order phase transformation with a large change of magnetization Δ M . [14][15][16][17] Ni-Mn-In and Ni-Co-Mn-In alloys show a particularly drastic Δ M effect due to a martensitic transition from a ferromagnetic austenite phase to a nonferromagnetic martensite phase. [ 18,19 ] An important prerequisite for energy conversion in a cyclic process are highly reversible phase transformations. The stress associated with the change of lattice parameters during phase transformation can cause pronounced microstructural changes including the formation of dislocations and other A new method for thermal energy harvesting at small temperature difference and high cycling frequency is presented that exploits the unique magnetic properties and actuation capability of magnetic shape memory alloy (MSMA) fi lms. Polycrystalline fi lms of the Ni 50.4 Co 3.7 Mn 32.8 In 13.1 alloy are tailored, showing a large abrupt change of magnetization and low thermal hysteresis well above room temperature. Based on this material, a free-standing fi lm device is designed that exhibits thermomagnetically induced actuation between a hea...