We study the non-linear conductance G ∼ ∂ 2 I/∂V 2 |V =0 in coherent quasi-one-dimensional weakly disordered metallic wires. Our analysis is based on the scattering approach and includes the effect of Coulomb interaction. The non-linear conductance correlations can be related to integrals of two fundamental correlation functions : the correlator of functional derivatives of the conductance and the correlator of injectivities (the injectivity is the contribution to the local density of states of eigenstates incoming from one contact). These correlators are obtained explicitly by using diagrammatic techniques for weakly disordered metals. In a coherent wire of length L, we obtain rms G 0.006 E −1 Th (and G = 0), where E Th = D/L 2 is the Thouless energy of the wire and D the diffusion constant ; the small dimensionless factor results from screening, i.e. cannot be obtained within a simple theory for non-interacting electrons. Electronic interactions are also responsible for an asymmetry under magnetic field reversal : the antisymmetric part of the non-linear conductance (at high magnetic field) being much smaller than the symmetric one, rms Ga 0.001 (gE Th ) −1 , where g 1 is the dimensionless (linear) conductance of the wire. In a weakly coherent wire (i.e. Lϕ L, where Lϕ is the phase coherence length), the non-linear conductance is of the same order than the result G0 of a free electron calculation (although screening again strongly reduces the dimensionless prefactor) : we get G ∼ G0 ∼ (Lϕ/L) 7/2 E −1 Th , while the antisymmetric part (at high magnetic field) now behaves as Ga ∼ (Lϕ/L) 11/2 (gE Th ) −1 G. The effect of thermal fluctuations is studied : when the thermal length LT = D/kBT is the smallest length scale, LT Lϕ L, the free electron result G0 ∼ (LT /L) 3 (Lϕ/L) 1/2 E −1 Th is negligible and the dominant contribution is provided by screening, G ∼ (LT /L)(Lϕ/L) 7/2 E −1 Th ; in this regime, the antisymmetric part is Ga ∼ (LT /L) 2 (Lϕ/L) 7/2 (gE Th ) −1 . All the precise dimensionless prefactors are obtained. Crossovers from zero to strong magnetic field regimes are also analysed.