Functionalized magnetic microspheres are widely used for cell separations, isolation of proteins and other biomolecules, in vitro diagnostics, tissue engineering, and microscale force spectroscopy. We present here the synthesis and characterization of a silicone magnetic microsphere which can be produced in diameters ranging from 0.5 to 50 μm via emulsion polymerization of a silicone ferrofluid precursor. This bottom-up approach to synthesis ensures a uniform magnetic concentration across all sizes, leading to significant advances in magnetic force generation. We demonstrate that in a size range of 5–20 μm, these spheres supply a full order of magnitude greater magnetic force than leading commercial products. In addition, the unique silicone matrix exhibits autofluorescence two orders of magnitude lower than polystyrene microspheres. Finally, we demonstrate the ability to chemically functionalize our silicone microspheres using a standard EDC reaction, and show that our folate-functionalized silicone microspheres specifically bind to targeted HeLa and Jurkat cells.
These spheres show tremendous potential for replacing magnetic polystyrene spheres in applications which require either large magnetic forces or minimal autofluorescence, since they represent order-of-magnitude improvements in each. In addition, the unique silicone matrix and proven biocompatibility suggest that they may be useful for encapsulation and targeted delivery of lipophilic pharmaceuticals.