Quantitative analysis of the damping of magnet oscillations by eddy currents in aluminum foil Am. J. Phys. 80, 804 (2012) Rolling magnets down a conductive hill: Revisiting a classic demonstration of the effects of eddy currents Am. J. Phys. 80, 800 (2012) A semiquantitative treatment of surface charges in DC circuits Am. J. Phys. 80, 782 (2012) Relation between Poisson and Schrödinger equations Am. J. Phys. 80, 715 (2012) Magnetic dipole moment of a moving electric dipole Am.The acceleration of the ions in an unconstrained current-carrying conductor in an external magnetic field is shown to be produced solely by an electric field due to a modified Hall effect, despite the fact that the total force on the conductor is proportional to only the magnetic field. The modification of the Hall field from the conventional one is typically of the order of one part in 10 4 or less, but it is essential to obtain self-consistent results. The same modified Hall electric field results from a single-particle model, a model consisting of two rigid charge distributions, and a plasma model. The latter two models predict the existence and the widths of the surfacelike charge sheaths that are the sources of the Hall electric field. For a conductor held at rest, the three models yield the correct total force of constraint, but an additional assumption must be made in the single-particle and the rigid charge distribution models to obtain the Hall field. The plasma model predicts a unique modified Hall field that differs from that for an unconstrained conductor.