We have measured the relaxation time, T1, of the spin of a single electron confined in a semiconductor quantum dot (a proposed quantum bit). In a magnetic field, applied parallel to the two-dimensional electron gas in which the quantum dot is defined, Zeeman splitting of the orbital states is directly observed by measurements of electron transport through the dot. By applying short voltage pulses, we can populate the excited spin state with one electron and monitor relaxation of the spin. We find a lower bound on T1 of 50 µs at 7.5 T, only limited by our signal-to-noise ratio. A continuous measurement of the charge on the dot has no observable effect on the spin relaxation.PACS numbers: 73.63. Kv, 03.67.Lx, 73.23.Hk The spin of an electron confined in a semiconductor quantum dot (QD) is a promising candidate for a scalable quantum bit [1,2]. The electron spin states in QDs are expected to be very stable, because the zerodimensionality of the electron states in QDs leads to a significant suppression of the most effective 2D spin-flip mechanisms [3]. Recent electrical transport measurements of relaxation between spin triplet and singlet states of two electrons, confined in a pillar etched from a GaAs double-barrier heterostructure ("vertical" QD), support this prediction (relaxation time > 200 µs at T ≤ 0.5 K) [4]. However, the triplet-to-singlet transition, in which the total spin quantum number S is changed from 1 to 0, is forbidden by a selection rule (∆S=0) that does not hinder relaxation between Zeeman sublevels (which conserves S ). Therefore, measurements on a single electron spin are needed in order to determine the relaxation time of the proposed qubit.Relaxation between Zeeman sublevels in closed GaAs QDs is expected to be dominated by hyperfine interaction with the nuclei at magnetic fields below 0.5 T [5] and by spin-orbit interaction at higher fields [6]. At 1 T, theory predicts a T 1 of 1 ms in GaAs [6]; at fields above a few Tesla, needed to resolve the Zeeman splitting in transport measurements, no quantitative estimates for T 1 exist.For comparison, in n-doped self-assembled InAs QDs containing one resident electron, pump-probe photoluminescence measurements gave a single-electron spin relaxation time of 15 ns (at B=0 T, T = 10 K) [7]. In undoped self-assembled InAs QDs, the exciton polarization is frozen throughout the exciton lifetime, giving a relaxation time >20 ns [8].Electrical measurements of the single-electron spin relaxation time have up to now remained elusive. In vertical QDs, where electrical measurements on a single electron were reported almost a decade ago [9], it has been difficult to directly resolve the Zeeman splitting of orbitals [10]. Recently, the one-electron regime was also reached in single [11] and double lateral GaAs QDs [12], which are formed electrostatically within a twodimensional electron gas (2DEG) by means of surface gates.In this Letter we study the spin states of a one-electron lateral QD directly, by performing energy spectroscopy and relaxation measurement...