We consider the sl(3,C) affine Toda model coupled to matter (Dirac spinor) (ATM) and through a gauge fixing procedure we obtain the classical version of the generalized sl(3,C) sine-Gordon model (cGSG) which completely decouples from the Dirac spinors. The GSG models are multifield extensions of the ordinary sine-Gordon model. In the spinor sector we are left with Dirac fields coupled to cGSG fields. Based on the equivalence between the U(1) vector and topological currents, which holds in the theory, it is shown the confinement of the spinors inside the solitons and kinks of the cGSG model providing an extended hadron model for "quark" confinement [JHEP0701( 2007)027]. Moreover, the solitons and kinks of the generalized sine-Gordon (GSG) model are shown to describe the normal and exotic baryon spectrum of two-dimensional QCD. The GSG model arises in the low-energy effective action of bosonized QCD2 with unequal quark mass parameters [JHEP0703(2007)055]. The GSG potential for three flavors resembles the potential of the effective chiral lagrangian proposed by Witten to describe low-energy behavior of four dimensional QCD. Among the attractive features of the GSG model are the variety of soliton and kink type solutions for QCD2 unequal quark mass parameters. Exotic baryons in QCD2 [ Ellis and Frishman, JHEP0508(2005)081] are discussed in the context of the GSG model. Various semi-classical computations are performed improving previous results and clarifying the role of unequal quark masses. The remarkable double sine Gordon model also arises as a reduced GSG model bearing a kink(K) type solution describing a multi-baryon.