A unified theory for the cuprates and the iron-based superconductors is derived on the basis of common features in their electronic structures, including quasi-two-dimensionality, and the large-U nature of the electron orbitals close to E F (smaller-U hybridized orbitals reside at bonding and antibonding states away from E F ). Consequently, low-energy excitations are described in terms of auxiliary particles, representing combinations of atomic-like electron configurations, rather than electron-like quasiparticles. The introduction of a Lagrange Bose field is necessary to enable the treatments of these auxiliary particles as bosons or fermions. The condensation of the bosons results in static or dynamical inhomogeneities, and consequently in a commensurate or an incommensurate resonance mode. The dynamics of the fermions determines the charge transport, and their strong coupling to the Lagrange-field bosons results in pairing and superconductivity. The calculated resonance mode in hole-doped cuprates agrees with the experimental results, and is shown to be correlated with the pairing gap on the Fermi arcs.Keywords: superconductivity, cuprates, iron, pnictides, auxiliary particlesThe recent discovery of high-temperature superconductivity (SC) in iron-based compounds, including pnictides [1-4] and chalcogenides [5] (referred to below as FeSCs), provides an opportunity to test the validity of high-T c theories in correlated-electron systems. Similarly to the cuprates [6], the FeSCs are derived from an undoped "parent" compound which is generally magnetically ordered [7][8][9] at low temperatures and becomes SC under electron-or hole-doping. Also, both systems are characterized by a layered structure and a quasi-twodimensional electronic structure [10][11][12][13][14][15][16].A variety of normal-state properties including, e.g., the transport properties (ı.e. resistivity, Hall coefficient and thermoelectric power) of both the cuprates [17][18][19][20][21] and the FeSCs [3,22,23] are characterized by a remarkably similar anomalous behavior. Also, in both systems the suppression of SC by a high magnetic field results in a zero-temperature insulator-to-metal transition upon doping [24,25]. Even though the pairing symmetry is different in the cuprates [26][27][28] and the FeSCs [29-32], a resonant spin excitation, characterized by wave vectors around those of the magnetic order in the parent compound, exists in the SC state of both systems [33][34][35].The approximate tetrahedral arrangement of the pnictogen/chalcogen atoms around the iron atoms in the FeSCs is typical of covalent bonding, and thus considerable hybridization is expected between orbitals corresponding to the two atoms. This is confirmed in electronic-structure calculations [10][11][12][13][14][15][16]; however, such hybridization is found in antibonding and bonding states which lie at least ∼ 1 eV away from the Fermi level (E F ), while the states at the close vicinity of E F are non- * Electronic address: jashkenazi@miami.edu bonding and of almost a pu...