We show that short-range resonating-valence-bond correlations and long-range order can coexist in the ground state (GS) of a frustrated spin system. Our study comprises a comprehensive investigation of the quantum magnetism on the structurally disorder-free single crystal of Cu2(OH)3NO3, which realizes the s = 1/2 Heisenberg model on a spatially anisotropic triangular lattice. Competing exchange interactions determined by fitting the magnetization measured up to 55 T give rise to an exotic GS wavefunction with coexistence of the dominant short-range resonating-valence-bond correlations and weak long-range stripe order (ordered moment M0 = | s z i | ∼ 0.02). At low temperatures, a first-order spin-flop transition is visible at ∼ 1-3 T. As the applied field further increases, another two magnetic-field-induced quantum phase transitions are observed at ∼ 14-19 and ∼ 46-52 T, respectively. Simulations of the Heisenberg exchange model show semi-quantitative agreement with the magnetic-field modulation of these unconventional phases, as well as the absence of visible magnetic reflections in neutron diffraction, thus supporting the GS of the spin system of Cu2(OH)3NO3 may be approximate to a quantum spin liquid. Our study establishes structurally disorder-free magnetic materials with spatially anisotropic exchange interactions as a possible arena for spin liquids.