The nucleation, early growth, and structure of Ni‐P on
activated dielectric substrates were studied. The
treatment was found to provide small catalytic sites on the substrate, serving as the nuclei for Ni‐P growth. The average diameter of catalytic sites was estimated to be less than 10Aå. The microscopic time rate of Ni‐P growth on the nuclei was found to be constant and the growth to be isotropic. The resulting Ni‐P deposit in the early stages of growth consists of circular islands. The surface density σ of islands were affected by activation. In later stages of growth, the circular Ni‐P islands merged to form a continuous film. The critical film thickness at which continuity is attained is shown to be a function of σ. The structure of as‐deposited islands, as well as that of fresh continuous film, was determined by electron diffraction to be liquidlike.