. Can. J. Chem.
70, 732 (1992).Crystals of Mn(CH,CONH2),(HPhP02):, are monoclinic, a = 5.668(2), b = 7.500(2), c = 23.104(2) A, P = 95.52(2)", Z = 2, spac: group P2,/c, and those of Mn(HPhP02H)2(HPhP02)z are monoclinic, a = 23.281(1), b = 5.508(2), c = 20.5489(6) A, P = 90.424(4)", Z = 4 , space group C2/c. The structures were solved by heavy-atom methods and were refined by full-matrix least-squares procedures to R = 0.028 and 0.035 for 2081 and 21 17 reflections with I 2 3u(I), respectively. Both compounds have structures consisting of polymeric chains propagating along the crystallographic b axis; two phosphinate ligands bridge adjacent manganese atoms forming square planar MO, units, and six coordination about the metal is achieved by axially 0-bonded neutral ligands. Indirect evidence supports similar structures for the other complexes studied here. The complexes are antiferromagnetic and the magnetic susceptibilities have been analyzed according to two Heisenberg models for linear chains. The exchange coupling constants range from -0.30 cm-' for the acetamide complex to -0.06 cm-' for the pyridine complex. Magnetostructural correlations involving these complexes and the previously studied Mn(HCONH,)2(HPhP02)2, reveal that the magnitude of the magnetic coupling is enhanced by symmetrically bridging W P -0 units and short Mn-0-P-0-Mn pathways for exchange. Key words: polymeric manganese monophenylphosphinates, crystal structures, magnetic properties.