“…Therefore, a question remains unanswered: what could be the possible mechanism for RT FM properties from TM-doped TMOs? To answer this question, we summarize the grain size ( d ) dependency of the reported RT magnetic properties from Ni 1– x M x O (M = Cr, Mn, ,,, Fe, ,,,− , Co, ,, Cu, Zn, , Sn, and Ce) and Ni 1– x Fe x O in Figures a and b, respectively, where the vertical axis represents the concentration x of the dopant. Here different colors are used to represent the grain-size-dependent magnetic properties of undoped NiO NPs as discussed in the Introduction, which can be split into three regions (Re), namely Re-I ( d ≤ 10 nm) SPM/SG/SSG, Re-II (10 nm ≤ d ≤ 30 nm) FM, and Re-III ( d ≥ 30 nm) AF (no finite size effect induced magnetism), respectively from left to right.…”