Hereafter we shall present a brief overview on some of the most significant achievements obtained by means of NMR and µSR techniques in highly frustrated magnets. First the basic quantities measured by the two techniques will be presented and their connection to the microscopic static and dynamical spin susceptibility recalled. Then the main findings will be outlined, starting from the most simple frustrated units, the molecular nanomagnets, to artificially built frustrated systems as 3 He on graphite, to magnets with a macroscopically degenerate ground-state as the ones on a pyrochlore or kagomé lattices.1 Some basic aspects of NMR and µSR techniques NMR and µSR are very powerful techniques which allow to investigate the microscopic properties of spin systems through the study of the time evolution of the nuclear magnetization M (t) and of the muon spin polarization P (t), respectively [1,2]. Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages. In NMR one knows the crystallographic position of the nuclei under investigation and, therefore NMR results can be more suitably compared to theories. On the other hand, NMR experiments cannot be performed in compounds where just low sensitivity nuclei are present or where the fast nuclear relaxations prevent the observation of an NMR signal. Still, polarized muons can be injected into the sample and used as a probe of the local microscopic properties of the system under investigation. Moreover, by means of µSR it is possible to detect relaxation times shorter than 0.1 µs, about two order of magnitudes shorter than the shortest relaxation time NMR can measure. Since the nuclear magnetization is the quantity detected in the NMR experiments, generally a magnetic field has to be applied to generate it. On the other hand, the muon beam is already polarized before entering the sample, so that the system under investigation can also be studied in zero field by means of µSR. This aspect is particularly relevant if one wants to investigate the intrinsic properties of a certain system without perturbing it with a magnetic field. Nevertheless,