The intensity of electron spin resonance (ESR) of the nanoscale molecular magnet V 15 is studied. We calculate the temperature dependence of the intensity at temperatures from high to low. In particular, we find that the low-temperature ESR intensity is significantly affected by the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction.
I. INTRODUCTIONThe V 15 molecule has been one of promising nanometer-scale molecular magnets since it was first synthesized. Different experiments on the magnetization process have shown that the magnetization changed adiabatically in a fast sweeping field, and a magnetic plateau appeared in a slow sweeping field due to thermal bath attached to the molecule. are not yet fully understood.In this paper, first we numerically calculate the temperature dependence of the ESR intensity of V 15 using a new numerical method (the double Chebyshev polynomial method) of calculating the Kubo formula. We find that the model Hamiltonian for V 15 including the DMI successfully reproduces the experimental temperature dependence of the ESR intensity.Second we investigate the ESR at very low temperatures. We find that the intensity ratio (the intensity of V 15 divided by that of a spin 1/2) is affected by the DMI at small fields.We propose that experimental observation of the intensity ratio enables us to estimate the DMI in V 15 . Finally, we analyze the ESR at low temperatures using a triangle model whose 2 energy levels model the low-lying levels of V 15 . Figure 1 shows the structure of vanadium ions in V 15 . We consider the following spin
II. MODEL AND FORMULATIONHamiltonian for V 15 .
17-19The first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (1) describes the Heisenberg interaction. Coefficients J ij take three values J, J 1 , and J 2 (|J| > |J 2 | > |J 1 |) depending on the bonds on the upper and lower hexagons. Three spins between two hexagons interact with the hexagons by J 1 and J 2 . There is no interaction among these three spins 3 . We set J = −800K, J 2 = −350K, and J 1 = −225K. 20 The second term describes the DMI. We assume the existence of DM vectors {D ij } at the bonds of J. In the third term, H denotes the static magnetic field applied to the molecule. We will ignore other effects such as dipolar fields, hyperfine interactions, and the crystal field, which are considered to be negligibly small.Indeed, the dipolar and hyperfine fields are estimated as 1 mK and 50 mK, respectively 7 .