CsCuCl 3 is a quantum triangular antiferromagnet, ferromagnetically stacked, with an incommensurate (IC) structure due to a DzyaloshinskiiMoriya interaction. Because of the classical degeneracy caused by the frustration, fluctuations in CsCuCl 3 have extraordinarily large effects, such as the phase transition in longitudinal magnetic field (normal to the planes, parallel to the IC wavenumber q) and the plateau in q in transverse field (perpendicular to q). We argue that fluctuations are responsible also for the new IC phase discovered in transverse field near the Néel temperature T N , by T. Werner et al. [Solid State Commun. 102, 609 (1997)]. We develop and analyse the corresponding minimal Landau theory; the effects of fluctuations on the frustration are included phenomenologically, by means of a biquadratic term. The Landau theory gives two IC phases, one familiar from previous studies; properties of the new IC phase, which occupies a pocket of the temperature-field phase diagram near T N , agree qualitatively with those of the new phase found experimentally. 64.70.Rh, 75.10.Jm, 75.25.+z, 75.50.Ee