Focusing on novel highly correlated low‐dimensional systems, we investigate a class of quasione‐dimensional systems with an even number of spin‐½ sites per unit cell, for which we find, here, that it does not give a gap in the exact excitation spectrum. The unit cells of these systems are formed by two different structural units, each with an odd number of sites. We find the instability of these systems against the regular oscillations of the interactions between structural units and estimate numerically the corresponding critical exponents for the ground‐state energies. In contrast to the well‐known spin‐Peierls instability, this type of structural instability does not change the symmetry of the above systems. We also present a class of disordered one‐dimensional spin systems formed by different types of structural units with odd numbers of spins to demonstrate a critical behavior similar to a homogeneous spin‐½ chain in the limit of weak interactions between structural units.