The investigation of a sizable thermal enhancement of magnetization is put forward for uniaxial ferromagnetic nanoparticles that are placed in a rotating magnetic field. We elucidate the nature of this phenomenon and evaluate the resonant frequency dependence of the induced magnetization. Moreover, we reveal the role of magnetic dipolar interactions, point out potential applications, and reason the feasibility of an experimental observation of this effect. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.227202 PACS numbers: 75.50.Tt, 05.40.ÿa, 75.60.Jk Presently, the study of magnetic nanoparticles and their structures is one of the most important research areas in nanoscale physics. The first reason is that such nanoparticles increasingly find numerous applications that range from medicine to nanotechnology. Another reason is that these systems exhibit a number of remarkable physical phenomena, such as quantum tunneling of magnetization [1], giant magnetoresistance [2], exchange bias [3], and finite-size and surface effects [4], to name but a few. Moreover, the study of fundamentals of magnetic behavior in these systems is also an important issue, especially for high-density data storage devices [5].From a practical point of view, the lifetime of stored data and the switching time (i.e., the time during which the reversal of the nanoparticle magnetic moments occurs) are salient characteristics of such devices. Now, thanks to the experimental discovery of fast switching of magnetization [6], the switching time reaches the fundamental (picosecond) limit for field-induced magnetization reversal. On the contrary, a feasible lifetime must cover up to 10 yr and beyond. Its value is usually limited by the superparamagnetic effect [7] and is defined by the probabilities p that the nanoparticle magnetic moment m stays in the up ( 1) and down ( ÿ1) equilibrium directions. These probabilities, which are also responsible for other thermal effects in such systems including magnetic relaxation [8], are very sensitive to small perturbations that change the static states of the magnetic moments. Namely, according to the Arrhenius law [9] the ratio p 1 =p ÿ1 is approximately given by exp E=kT , where E E 1 ÿ E ÿ1 , E is the potential barrier for the reorientation ! ÿ , k is the Boltzmann constant, and T is the absolute temperature. Therefore, if without perturbations E 0, then p 1 =p ÿ1 1 and the nanoparticle system is demagnetized. But due to the exponential dependence on E and T, the ratio p 1 =p ÿ1 can drastically be changed by small perturbations. In particular, a static magnetic field H applied along the nanoparticle easy axis of magnetization yields E 2Hm (m jmj), and so p 1 strongly differs from p ÿ1 if jHj=H a 1=4a, where a H a m=2kT and H a is the anisotropy field. This means that even small magnetic fields (in comparison with H a ) almost fully magnetize the nanoparticle systems when a 1. In the case of time-periodic perturbations the situation is not settled yet and far less researched. On the one hand, these perturbations generate ...