P ulmonary functional imaging may be defined as the regional quantification of lung function by using primarily CT, MRI, and nuclear medicine techniques. The distribution of pulmonary physiologic parameters including ventilation, perfusion, gas exchange, and biomechanics can be mapped and measured noninvasively throughout the entire lungs. This regional and localized information is inaccessible by using conventional pulmonary function tests. Moreover, techniques such as hyperpolarized (HP) helium 3 ( 3 He) and xenon 129 ( 129 Xe) gas MRI are able to probe lung physiologic structure and microstructure down to the level of the alveolar-capillary units (1-3). This is beyond the spatial resolution of modern clinical CT scanners.Our review aims to provide an overview of the current status of pulmonary functional imaging. The technical and physiologic underpinnings of these pulmonary functional imaging methods were discussed in part 1 of this review (4). Here in part 2, we focus on current and emerging clinical applications. Both the multiple opportunities and the challenges in the clinical translation and deployment of pulmonary functional imaging in routine clinical practice are presented. Several approaches to facilitating clinical adoption are suggested. With continued progress in this active field, pulmonary functional imaging is anticipated to have an increasing role in our understanding of pulmonary disease and in the imaging evaluation of patients with lung disorders as illustrated in the clinical disorders discussed.
OpportunitiesBecause virtually all lung disorders are heterogeneously distributed in the lungs, the regional and spatially localized information provided by using pulmonary functional imaging provides clinically relevant information beyond that of conventional pulmonary function tests. The latter, including spirometry, diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide, and body plethysmography, measure total lung function without spatial localization. Furthermore, pulmonary functional imaging methods such as HP gas MRI with 3 He and 129 Xe can probe function and microstructure at the level of the alveolar-capillary interface (1-3,5-7), as discussed in part 1 (4). This is the site of gas exchange, the fundamental and vital function of the lungs. The alveolar-capillary units are beyond the anatomic resolution of current clinical scanners such as high-spatial-resolution CT. The functional and microstructural abnormalities depicted at pulmonary functional imaging may occur early in the evolution of lung Pulmonary functional imaging may be defined as the regional quantification of lung function by using primarily CT, MRI, and nuclear medicine techniques. The distribution of pulmonary physiologic parameters, including ventilation, perfusion, gas exchange, and biomechanics, can be noninvasively mapped and measured throughout the lungs. This information is not accessible by using conventional pulmonary function tests, which measure total lung function without viewing the regional distribution. The latter is importan...