Running head -no more than 40 letters/ spacesNeck muscles mechanical activation during a head lift Word count for structured abstract (approx 250 words or less)
185Word count for text (excludes abstract, figure legends, references)
Practical ApplicationsThree to 5 short sentences that highlight findings of the study. These statements should relate directly to the study findings.The present results show the need for deep neck muscles to act as neck stabilizers to resist gravity.During this highly demanding exercise for the ventral neck muscles, the sternocleidomastoid deformed more than the deeper muscles but did it significantly slower than the longus colli.The dorsal neck muscles did not significantly differ in deformation, however the multifidus had the highest deformation rate.
Human Subjects and AnimalsIf human subject or animals were used, state the name of IRB, Research Ethics Committee or equivalent in the Methods and here.All participants provided written informed consent. All procedures were conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki, and the study was approved by the Ethics Committee at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Linköping University in Sweden.
Clinical Trial RegistryIf the study was a clinical trial, please include clinical trial registration number in the Methods and here.
Permission to AcknowledgeList the names of people who you are acknowledging and specifically how they contributed to the study. A signed letter of permission from each person and/or entity stating they give permission to the JMPT to print their name must be uploaded to the website at the initial time of submission. List permissions here.
Permission to reprintIf you are using any previously published figures or tables, a signed letter of permission from the copyright holder stating they give permission to the JMPT to reprint must be uploaded to the website at the initial time of submission. List permissions here.
Funding sourcesState funding sources (grants, funding sources, equipment, and supplies). Include name and number of grant if available. Clearly state if study received direct NIH or national funding. All sources of funding should be acknowledged in the manuscript.
Anneli Peolsson is supported by the Swedish MedicalResearch Council and the Wenner-Gren foundations.
Conflicts of interestList all potential conflicts of interest for all authors. Include those listed in the ICMJE form. These include financial, institutional and/or other relationships that might lead to bias or a conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest state none declared.The authors declare no conflicts of interests. Third author First name, middle initial, last name of author. Include highest academic degree(s). Title, academic or professional position (eg, Professor, University of Illinois) Name of department(s) and institution(s) to which work should be attributed for this author (eg, Kinesiology Department)
Fourth authorFirst name, middle initial, last name of author. Include highest academic d...