A 13-year-old male patient on long-term follow-up for complex congenital heart disease at the paediatric cardiology unit presented with shortness of breath. He was born via elective lower section Caesarian section (LSCS) at 38 weeks due to the mother's two previous LSCSs. He had normal body weight and Apgar scores at birth. He was apparently well until Day 3 of life, where he was found to have a cardiac murmur prior to discharge. Echocardiography then showed complex congenital heart disease with a single ventricle, left-sided major aortopulmonary collaterals and pulmonary atresia. At two months of life, he was admitted for an elective right Blalock-Taussig (BT) shunt. A subsequent left BT shunt was performed at 20 months of age. Chest radiography was performed for the patient (Fig. 1). What does the radiograph show?