Hydatid (Echinococcal) disease often involves the liver and lungs but in sporadic cases, it can involve cardiac structures. A 24-year-old male was referred with symptoms of cough and shortness of breath and a provisional diagnosis of metastatic disease of unknown primary to the lung, which was based on a chest X-ray (CXR). Incidentally, on echocardiogram, he was found to have right ventricular (RV) and myocardial multiseptated cysts, which were compatible with cardiac echinococcosis, as the patient had multiple bilateral lung cysts as well. Imaging with ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) scan, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has ameliorated the diagnosis of hydatid disease location in various body parts. However, for earlier and accurate diagnosis, a high index of suspicion is required in endemic areas, especially in vulnerable populations such as pastoralists.