) (CCGII Program).q RSNA, 2016 Purpose:To prospectively quantify the effect of T1 estimation in fat by B 1 correction in breast magnetic resonance (MR) imaging at 1.5 T and to examine the subsequent quantitative dynamic contrast material-enhanced parameters in breast cancer with and without B 1 correction.
Materials and Methods:This study had institutional review board approval, and informed consent was obtained from 72 patients with breast cancer before breast MR imaging studies were performed between January and July 2015. B 1 + field and variable flip angle (FA) mapping were included in the dynamic contrast-enhanced breast MR imaging protocol with a 1.5-T MR imaging system. Precontrast T1 relaxation in fat and breast tumors was computed with and without B 1 correction. The pharmacokinetic parameters of breast cancer were calculated by using the Tofts model with T1 values before and after B 1 correction. The Mann-Whitney U test and linear regression model were used for statistical analysis.
Results:The FA was 19% higher in the left breast and 3% lower in the right breast than the prescribed value. This 22% average FA difference created a 43% T1 estimation bias in fat between the breasts. The T1 variation in fat was reduced to 0.96% after B 1 correction. There was a 50% overestimation and a 7% underestimation of tumor T1 in the left breast and the right, respectively, associated with B 1 error. Assuming T1 after B 1 correction represents the true tumor T1, 41% underestimation in the left breast and 10% overestimation in the right without B 1 correction were seen in the dynamic contrast-enhanced parameters (including the volume transfer constant, or K trans , fraction of extracellular extravascular space, or v e , and blood normalized initial area under the gadolinium concentration curve to 90 seconds, or IAU GC BN90).
Conclusion:B 1 correction for more accurate T1 values should be considered for quantitative dynamic contrast-enhanced breast MR imaging, even at 1.5 T, to offset significant systemic error.q RSNA, 2016