been menopausal since age 53 and for approximately 1 year, had noted undesired increased libido and hirsutism. Although she was not sexually active with her husband, she experienced frequent and unprovoked spontaneous orgasms. She also reported hair growth on her arms, shoulders, chin and upper lip as well as recession of her hairline and thinning of hair on her scalp. The patient's medical history was remarkable for recently diagnosed subclinical hyperthyroidism, osteoporosis, obesity, as well as Meniere's disease, hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. She also had a long-standing history of type 2 diabetes mellitus on oral hypoglycemics with a baseline hemoglobin A1C value of 6.2%. Her obstetrical history was significant for 2 terms, uncomplicated vaginal deliveries. Her gynecologic history included late onset of menarche at the age of 16 and a history of life-long oligomenorrhea. Other than a twenty-pack year smoking history, she reported no other significant medical comorbidities.On evaluation, the patient was noted to have normal vital signs with a body mass index of 36.6 kg/m 2 . She appeared hirsute with facial and lower abdominal hair growth as well as male pattern alopecia. She also exhibited cervicodorsal protuberance ("buffalo hump") and clitoromegaly, above the upper limit for her age. Laboratory assessment demonstrated elevated free (12.0 pg/mL) and total (115 ng/dL) testosterone, but normal 17-hydroxyprogesterone (39 ng/dL), dehydroepiandrosterone (57 mcg/dL), and its sulfate (36 mcg/dL). Prolactin (10.6 ng/mL), estradiol (18 pg/mL), luteinizing hormone (43.1 mIU/mL) and follicular stimulating hormone (48.5 mIU/mL) were all within normal limits for a postmenopausal woman. Thyroid stimulating hormone levels were very low (< 0.005 uU/mL), and the patient was started on methimazole for hyperthyroidism. Additional laboratory values,such as glucose tolerance testing and insulin levels, were unavailable. The patient's workup included a transvaginal ultrasound demonstrating a uterus measuring 3.7 × 6.4 × 4.7 cm, with right ovary measuring 1.74 × 2.27 × 2.42 cm and her left ovary measuring 1.89 × 2.26 × 2.24 cm. Given the increased ovarian volume for a postmenopausal woman (normal postmenopausal average volume of