Adenomyomectomy is a treatment option for those patients who wish to preserve fertility and reduce symptoms associated with adenomyosis. It remains a subject of discussion, however, due to an elevated risk of miscarriage, thinning of uterine walls, placenta accrete or percreta, and uterine rupture. We report this rare complication of early pregnancy at a previous adenomyomectomy scar in a patient with a history of previous uterine rupture. Our hospital's Ethics Committee ruled that approval was not required for this case report.This 40-year-old gravida 2, para 1 woman had a history of previous laparoscopic adenomyomectomy and an 8-cm anterior uterine rupture at her previous adenomyomectomy scar, with intrauterine demise at 30 weeks of gestation. Repair was done during caesarean section in 3 layers, and she was counseled against further conception due to a high risk of uterine rupture. However, she presented again 2 years later at 9 weeks of gestation, at which time a transvaginal ultrasound scan revealed a viable pregnancy at the right anterior lateral fundus, with a surrounding myometrium thickness of 3 mm. A differential diagnosis was cornual ectopic pregnancy vs a pregnancy located at a previous adenomyomectomy scar.A repeat 3D transvaginal ultrasound scan showed a 31 £ 38 £ 45-mm pregnancy that was accessible via the endometrial cavity, which made cornual ectopic pregnancy less likely. Thus, the decision was made to perform surgical evacuation under laparoscopic guidance.Intraoperatively, the gestational sac was seen to bulge out from the previous adenomyomectomy scar with very thin myometrium overlying it. Evacuation of the uterus was