Purpose: To measure T 1 and T 2 of the fine structures of the in vivo eye.
Materials and Methods:Involuntary saccades make it difficult to obtain artifact-free images. Using a method recently reported (Bert et al, Acad Radiol 2006;12:368 -378), near artifact-free spin-echo images were obtained. Both an isolated enucleated eye and eight human subjects were studied at 1.5T. Spin-echo variable TR/TE data was acquired for T 1 /T 2 determination. Average relaxation times were calculated two ways. First, an arithmetic average over different subjects was computed. Second, all data was normalized using the fitted amplitudes of each data set and pooled to obtain a single least squares fit. BECAUSE OF THE very small size of many structures in the human eye, as well as the difficulty with involuntary patient motion of the eye, high resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) MRI of the human eye is technically difficult. There are, however, many reports of ocular MRI in the early literature (1-13). For example, in 1987, Atlas et al (13) retrospectively reviewed their initial experience in 59 patients with MRI of the orbit concluding that there were five specific areas in which MRI ocular imaging provided important information. Imaging at a high field, which was 1.5T in 1987, together with a surface coil and short TR values (600 -800 msec) were very important in increasing SNR so that the acquisition time (using 128 phase encodes) could be kept less than two minutes. For longer values of TR, considerable motion artifacts were observed from both head and eye motion. A number of limitations were noted, including poor specificity. In 1991, Wilms et al (14) reported the results of ocular MRI in 41 patients. Their conclusions were that MRI was superior to computed tomography (CT) in depicting ocular lesions because of multi-planar imaging and higher contrast resolution. Critical determinations of T 1 and T 2 values for ocular structures were not reported.From a technical standpoint, other than implementing surface coils and going to high field, it is useful to employ fast spin-echo (FSE) techniques that reduce total acquisition time by measuring multiple lines of k-space for each acquisition (15). In 2003, Simon et al (16) reported on the use of a three-dimensional T2-weighted FSE method to obtain a spatial resolution of 0.703 mm (readout), 0.938 mm (phase encode), and 1.2-1.6 mm (slice), over an 18 cm field of view (FOV) that included the eye. Total imaging time, however, was fairly long at nine minutes 52 seconds. Clinical results with this method were reported by McCaffery et al (17) and showed that with the thinner slice sections ob-