Ultrashort echo time MRI requires specialized pulse sequences to overcome the short T 2 of the MR signal encountered in tissues such as ligaments, tendon, or cortical bone. Theoretical work is presented, supported by simulations and experimental data on optimizing the radiofrequency excitation to maximize signal-to-noise ratio and contrast-to-noise ratio. The theoretical calculations and simulations are based on the classic Bloch equations and lead to a closed form expression for the optimal radiofrequency pulse parameters to maximize the MR signal in the presence of rapid T 2 decay. In the steady state, the spoiled gradient recalled echo signal amplitude in response to the radiofrequency excitation pulses is not maximized by the classic Ernst angle but by a more general criterion we call ''generalized Ernst angle.'' Finally, it is shown that T 2 contrast is maximized by flipping the magnetization at the Ernst angle with a radiofrequency pulse duration proportional to the targeted T 2 . Experimental studies on short T 2 phantoms confirm these optimization criteria for both signal-to-noise ratio and contrast-to-noise ratio. Clinical MRI is predominantly geared toward long T 2 species (greater than a few milliseconds). However, tissues containing highly ordered structures such as ligaments (T 2 % 4-10 ms), tendons (T 2 % 2 ms), or cortical bone (T 2 % 0.5 ms) appear dark in images acquired using clinical MR sequences (1,2). This is because the minimum echo times (TEs) for spin echo and gradient echo sequences are approximately 8-10 ms and 1-2 ms, respectively (2). Anomalies in such tissues typically only become apparent when pathology leads to increased signal (e.g., edema) set against the dark signal from short T 2 tissues.With the development of ultrashort TE (UTE) sequences, one is able to directly visualize tissues containing highly ordered structures (1-7). Other potential applications of UTE are imaging of the lung parenchyma, brain, or liver (8-11). Imaging short T 2 tissues is achieved in UTE by acquiring the free induction decay of the MR signal as soon after the end of the radiofrequency (RF) pulse as possible. This is typically accomplished by using a radial center-out k-space trajectory and data sampling of only a few hundred microseconds. Magnitude images are then reconstructed from the (regridded) k-space data. For the special case of UTE imaging, the time between the end of the RF pulse and the beginning of the read gradient (k ¼ 0) is typically defined in the literature as the TE (see for example Rahmer et al. (5)). Typical minimum TE values for clinical scanners, which depend on the RF transmit-receive switching and settling times, are 40-200 ms (12), while the shortest TE reported is 8 ms (13). In order to achieve a better delineation of the morphology within short T 2 tissues, several long T 2 suppression techniques have been developed, including dual echo subtraction techniques (1,5,14), and long T 2 preparation clusters using either long-duration hard pulses (15-17) or adiabatic pulses (12,18)...