ElsevierVicente Robledo, J.; Fuster Garcia, E.; Tortajada Velert, S.; García Gómez, JM.; Davies, N.; Natarajan, K.; Wilson, M.... (2013) Integration. Linear Discriminant Analysis was applied to this data to produce diagnostic classifiers. An evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy was performed based on resampling to measure the Balanced Accuracy Rate (BAR).
Results:The accuracy of the diagnostic classifiers for discriminating the three tumour types was found to be high (BAR 0.98) when a combination of TE was used. The combination of both TE significantly improved the classification performance (p < 0.01, Tukeyʼs test) compared with the use of one TE alone.
3Other tumour types were classified accurately as glial or primitive neuroectodermal (BAR 1.00). 12 cases failed the inclusion criteria for QC mainly due to poor SNR.
Classification and evaluation
9The diagnostic classification problem of discriminating between EPEN, PILOA and MED, the three most common pediatric tumour types, is addressed in this study. Since EPEN and PILOA tumours can be found in brain locations other than the PF whereas MED are found only in the PF, training was undertaken twice, once using the tumour cases located in the PF and then with those in any brain location. Classifiers were designed and evaluated using features from Short-TE and Long-TE alone and a combination of both TEs, ShortTE+Long-TE. Our results were compared with those in previous studies [27][28][29][30].Based on the results of previous studies [15,20,26,29
Spectral featuresSeveral key features allow visual discrimination of PILOA, EPEN and MED. Figures 1 and 2 show the Short-TE and Long-TE mean spectra of the tumour types. Minimum differences are found between the mean spectra of the tumours in the PF and those in any location. All tumour spectra display an increase in Cho peak (3.2ppm) with respect to Cr peak (3.0ppm). NAA (2.0ppm) presents a less prominent peak in MED and EPEN compared with 10 PILOA. Elevation of macromolecules and lipids (0.9ppm and 1.3ppm) is observed in Short-TE. Regarding Long-TE, the inverted peak of Lac at 1.3ppm is distinguished in PILOA and EPEN but not in MED. Tables 2 and 3 show the metabolite concentrations estimated with TARQUIN in Short-TE and Long-TE for the three tumour types found in any brain location. The Kruskal-Wallis test for the analysis of the variance (α=0.05) was applied to determine the significant differences in metabolite concentrations of PILOA, EPEN and MED. Both Cho components, Glycerophosphocholine (GPC) and Phosphocholine (PCh) (p≤0.01) showed significant differences. Cr and Tau concentrations were significantly different in both TEs (p≤0.01).
Univariate metabolite comparisonDifferences in the mI concentrations (p≤0.01) were significant in Short-TE.Macromolecules and lipids at 0.9, 1.3 and 2.0ppm (p≤0.05, p≤0.01 and p≤0.01, respectively) exhibited statistical differences in Short-TE MRS.
DiscussionThis is the first study of MRS as a non-invasive diagnostic aid in childhood brain tumo...