Sharp magnetization switching and large magnetoresistance (MR) were previously discovered in single crystals of 2H-FexTaS2 and attributed to the Fe superstructure and its defects. We report similar sharp switching and large MR in 1T-FexTiS2 (0.086 ≤ x ≤0.703), while providing a side by side comparison of the only two such ferromagnetic transition metal dichalcogenides. The switching field Hs and MR values are similar in both 1T-FexTiS2 and 2H-FexTaS2, with a larger than expected bowtie ρ(H) and a sharper hysteresis loop for H c in the former. The Curie and Weiss temperatures remain roughly constant below x ∼ 1/3 in the T = Ti single crystals, before monotonically increasing for higher x, while Hs and MR reach maxima where defects in the superstructure exist, or a minimum near superstructures compositions, and remain constant above x ∼ 0.4. Despite previous reports, electron diffraction shows only the √ 3× √ 3 superstructure in 1T-FexTiS2. Glassy behavior is shown to coexist within the ferromagnetic state in 1T-FexTiS2 for compositions between 0.1 and 0.703. A simple theoretical model considering first-, second-and third-neighbor interactions yields a phase diagram which accounts for both spin glass behavior and for different superstructures.